Movie Night

Movie Night


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For movies that are Wide Screen in format. We provide every thing you'll need for a great movie night. Included are a 16x9 wide screen format movie screen, PA system, projector and DVD or Blu-Ray format player. All you need to do is make the popcorn and enjoy! Great community event for HOAs and Civic Groups. It's a great way to spend the eve with the Family as well, call for small group pricing!

  • Inflatable Movie Screen 16x9 Viewable
  • PA System
  • 4500 Lumen Projector
  • Attendant(s)
  • Running time for 1 Movie
  • You Provide the Title
  • Call 505-333-0924 for Large Event Pricing

Copyright 2012, Battlefield New Mexico(tm) (505) 333-0924


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